Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Test Your Knowledge Chapter 9

1. What are some questions to ask when gauging the audience's needs during the planning of a persuasive message?

-Who is my audience?
-What are my audience members' needs?
-What do I want them to do?
-How might they resist?
-Are there alternative positions I need to examine?
-What does the decision maker consider to be the most important issue?
-How might the organization's culture influence my strategy?

2. What role do demographics and psychographics play in audience analysis during the planning of as persuasive message?

It plays a huge role! You need to know the background and type of audience you will be trying to persuade and you also need to know what their personality and lifestyle is like so you can better tailor your advertising to them.

3. How do emotional appeals differ from logical appeals?

An emotional appeal calls on the emotions of the reader to get them to make a decision while a logical appeal uses reason, facts, and logic to persuade and audience.

4. What three types of reasoning can you use in logical appeals?

1. Analogy
2. Induction
3. Deduction

5. What is the AIDA model, and what are its limitations?

The AIDA mode is a variation of the indirect approach and organizes the persuasive presentation into four phases:
1. Attention- Make your audience desire to pay attention.
2. Interest-Show audience how the solution or product might benefit them.
3. Desire- Make your audience want your product.
4. Action- Suggest specific action you want your audience to take.

limitations are that AIDA talks at audiences and not with audiences.
AIDA is built around a single event instead of building a long term, mutually beneficial relationship with them.

A conversational approach is usually better.

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